A couple of days ago, in the Telegram group of which I am a part, someone commented on the following case:
This afternoon a colleague told me that she has told the students that they have to exhibit one of their works and that they are all super worried because they are not used to speaking in public. In addition, they say that for what, if at work “it is not going to touch them”. […]
This reflection led me to think that perhaps many young people classify the need to learn to speak in public with having to give presentations at work. And that while some jobs clearly offer plenty of opportunities to do so, many other professions rarely require you to present anything in front of an audience.
And if one of those students, who thinks that learning to speak in public is just for that, has opted for one of those jobs where presentations don’t take place, they may be tempted not to want to learn.
Is there a need to learn to communicate beyond work presentations?

Today I want to comment on 6 situations that anyone can experience, regardless of the profession they choose, in which knowing how to speak in public will be of great help to be successful.
1.To convince your parents
talking to parentsI don’t know anyone (who has parents) who hasn’t had to go through the experience of having to convince them to let them do something. And for sample, a button: a real case, of someone known.
Emma Stone, the new Oscar winner for best actress in 2017, has told on numerous occasions how she convinced her parents to let her move to Los Angeles to be an actress through a powerpoint presentation.
Preparing a powerpoint can be an extreme resource in these cases, but preparing the arguments and presenting them in an orderly and convincing way is not nonsense. And you don’t have to wait until you need it to put yourself to the test. It is worth taking advantage of all the opportunities that you have in school.
2.To get a job
The first sale you will have to make in the world of work will be selling yourself in job interviews.
The job market is getting tougher. There is a lot of competition for the same position, so a good sale is essential.
Having self-confidence should not be confused with expecting your product (you) to sell itself. You must do your best to convince them that you are what they are looking for.
A job interview is not a public presentation, but it will require all the communication skills you have. Take advantage of the opportunities your teacher gives you to accumulate knowledge and skills in this regard.
3. To request money for a project (personal or professional)
It is customary to associate asking for money with large capital investments, but in reality, you may need it for other projects that do not even have to do with your work.
I’m going to give you an example. Do you know the Oxfam Trailwalker? This is a 100 km sports march that is organized annually in Madrid, the Basque Country and Girona with the aim of raising money to help those groups whose access to drinking water requires long walks every day.
The answer is obvious: you will have to explain your adventure many times and also do it in such a way that your audience is moved to the point of wanting to contribute their grain of sand. Do you still not see the need to know how to communicate in this case?
4. To convince your boss
the bossWhen you start in the world of work, you will have people above you: your bosses.
Soon you will find yourself faced with the need to propose things to your superiors, and on many occasions you will leave empty-handed. Talking to the boss, in many cases imposes.
Being able to present your ideas convincingly, anticipating possible objections and looking for a friendly tone will help you to make these occasions when you leave empty as few as possible, since you do not see yourself in inferior conditions when you should talk to him.
There will be no public. There will be no auditorium. There will be no Powerpoint. Only one person in front of you and the need to communicate with her clearly and effectively. Don’t wait until you’re sitting in front of your boss to learn how to do it. Start now in class.
5. To transfer information to your computer
Over time, and above all by making good use of your skills (communication between them), you may end up having people in your charge.
Your success as a boss will depend in large part on your team correctly receiving and understanding all the necessary information from you to be able to do their job well.
You must be able to convey to them what the values of the company are, how you want them to work, what are the objectives to be achieved, what are the dangers that lurk… again, you will need good communication skills, even if there is neither powerpoint nor stage, nor a large audience.